Monday, 21 October 2013

june to october 2013

 relaxing in the car haha

 bubble play at shabang
 shaking the rain maker at shabang

 sing a song about a cup of tea

bean bag play

traviss first week at castle hill school september 2013

travis loves it at school as long as he is not in his wheelchair that hurts him 
his favourite thing is rebound therapy playing on the trampoline 

 brand new school uniform on his first day

 all ready and packed up to go
 first time on the school transport
 asleep with his friend daisy
 smiling after his first day
 star of the week award
 physio play
 switch play
 playing with beads with daisy
 music time
 autumn fancy dress
 school sensory room
 excited playing music
water play

Traviss leaving present and book from hillside house nursery , august 2013